I consider myself pretty knowledgeable and near the front line when it comes to technology, computers, and the web in general, so it may strike some people as odd when they hear that this is my first official blog posting ever. I never gave much thought into creating a blog because I did not truly understand the purpose of them. Those who know me will think this is crazy because of the amount I like to type and ramble about any topic that comes into mind. I guess for whatever reason I never really stopped to realize the design aspects of blogs these days, and in fact was not aware that many sites I use as reference to find inspiration are actually blogs themselves.
Anyway, just to get my feet wet on the blogging atmosphere I decided to take the plunge and begin posting. I am sure many more edits are along the way, as soon as I figure out the workings of customizing my own blog and the styles in it. But for those of you who have stumbled upon it, or are here from my site originally I thank you for being some of the first of hopefully many to become followers of it. I will continue to learn more and organize my thoughts on the matter so I can create more concise, organized, and logical posts for everyone to follow.
In the near future I plan to discuss a wide range of topics/categories ranging from:
Posts dedicated to displaying new animations and sites I construct
- Including tutorials on some of my pieces to show how I was able to construct some of the motion graphics pieces and to give others inspiration and insight as I have gained from other’s tutorials
- General thoughts on topics from within the industry
- Breaking news on anything peaking my interest in terms of new technologies and growing trends
- Updates including photos and videos of general day to day activities to help add a more personal touch to my otherwise business driven site
- And many more topics that I just cannot think about at 5am
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